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Our experienced therapists pamper your skin and calm your senses with only the finest, most indulgent products, leaving you feeling renewed.

Opening Hours

Vibgyor Spa

Refund Policy

At Vibgyor Spa, we strive to provide our clients with exceptional service and experiences that exceed their expectations. We understand that plans can change and you may need to cancel or reschedule your appointment.

Please note that we do not offer refunds for any reason. However, we do allow for appointments to be rescheduled if notice is given at least 2 hours in advance. This policy ensures that our team of expert therapists are compensated for their time and expertise, while also allowing flexibility for our clients’ busy schedules.

If you need to reschedule your appointment, please contact us as soon as possible to arrange a new time that works for you. Our goal is to accommodate your needs to the best of our abilities and ensure that you receive the exceptional service you deserve.

Thank you for choosing Vibgyor Spa for your wellness needs. We look forward to serving you soon.